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Helicopter Tour


Prices listed are for the aircraft, helicopter seats 1 to 6 passengers

Jasper Helicopter Tour Prices

1100 lbs maxium

$1000 + GST

900lbs maximum

$2000 + GST

700 lbs maximum

$3000 + GST

600lbs maximum

$4000 + GST

800 lbs maximum

$1600 - $1779 + GST

800 lbs maximum


$1600 + GST

600 lbs maximum

$3299 + GST

800 lbs maximum

Heli- Yoga

$1600 + GST

800 lbs maximum

$1600 + GST

800 lbs maximum

$1600 + GST

800 lbs maximum

$2199 + GST

800 lbs maximum

$5899 + GST

Individual Seats in Non Private Flights

Putting a bunch of strangers together in a helicopter isn't our speciality, but sometimes it comes together- limited availability!

Heli-Adventures- Picnic, Hike or Yoga

$499 + GST per seat

55 minute Jasper Heli Tour

$699+ GST  per seat

25 minute Jasper Heli Tour

$329+ GST  per seat

Please add 5% GST tax to all above prices

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